Saturday 21 November 2015

Are GMO Grown Edibles Harmful Consumed on Regular Basis

Are people able to fly or live under water? We all know the answer is no. But can we say the same about GMO grown edibles? If GMO “experts” decide so, we’ll be able to expect flying carrots or underwater radish. Given that insane thought even Jack and his magic fairy tale beans are not far away from appearing. Hence it is not a question whether GMO grown edibles are harmful consumed on regular basis but how harmful they really are.

The thing is that official data on possible effects of GMO foods on human health are not available (you wonder why?), but animal testing showed shocking results.

Namely, a certain research on guinea pigs which were fed by GM tomatoes have showed the evolution of stomach ulcers. Also, mice that ate genetically modified soy were diagnosed with damages on liver, pancreas and testicles, while GMO soy led rabbits to diseased kidneys and serious heart problems.
Another catastrophe is GMO peas which often causes allergies on laboratory tested animals, while rapeseed was found directly responsible for causing fatty liver, and later cirrhosis. In addition, GM corn has threatened the immunity and life of tested animals, but it was also proven to be leading to abnormal organ changes and impaired fertility, as well as rapid aging and shorten lifespan.
Let’s nicely summarize everything, shall we? Long-term studies on humans have never been conducted, yet there is a reasonable doubt that consuming genetically engineered foods could have long-term consequences, not only on ourselves but also on our great-grandchildren. Is it your opinion too that
GMO grown edibles are harmful consumed on regular basis?

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